postado em: 21/10/2020 às 10:34
Targa West
The Make Smoking History Targa West is set to rev up Perth for the 16th time over the 22nd – 25th October 2020.
The competitors will compete on closed road special stages in and around Perth prior to the finalé at the City of Perth Special Stage along Riverside Drive next to the spectacular Swan River.
There is a wide variety of cars competing including Classics like Ford Escorts and Mustangs, Toranas and Commodores to more modern turbocharged Mitsubishi Evos, Subaru WRXs and Nissan GTRs and even a range of Electric Vehicles like the Tesla Model 3 Performance and the ‘gull winged’ Tesla Model X.
Spectating is free so come down and watch the finale race along Riverside Drive!